Paradise | Kanye West |


Testo Paradise

Woke up today feeling Godly
Glad to be part of God's body
Lord, you're welcome 'en mi casa'
Heaven's gon' be one big ole party
Thankful for all we've been given
You always take care of your children
Every single moment, we lift them up
All of God's people, stay with him

Oh, we knew life would be alright
But who could have known it'd be this good?
Oh, Lord
It gets better, better, better, better
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise

Woke up today feeling golly
Glad to be part of God's body
Lord, you're welcome 'en mi casa'
Heaven's gon' be one big ole party
Thankful for all we've been given
You always take care of your children
Every single moment, we lift them up
All of God's people, stay with him

Oh, we knew life would be alright
But who could have known it'd be this good?
Oh, Lord
It gets better, better, better, better
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise

Woke up today feeling golly
Glad to be part of God's body
Lord, you're welcome 'en mi casa'
Heaven's gon' be one big ole party
Thankful for all we've been given
You always take care of your children
Every single moment, we lift them up
All of God's people, stay with him

Oh, we knew life would be alright
But who could have known it'd be this good?
Oh, Lord
It gets better, better, better, better
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise
Give your life to Christ, he'll give you paradise

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